Anomalía was born from an idea of Margherita Berlanda and Andrea Fontanari in Pergine Valsugana, Trentino Alto Adige in 2017; The association has its primary purpose in promoting international projects in the field of contemporary artistic experimentation, with a focus on contemporary classical music.Anomalia collaborates on a regular basis with the instrumental ensemble Azione_Improvvisa and with KALAKARA, an Italian-Polish instrumental theater group.

Anomalia is winner of the call Grant-in-Aids by E.V.Siemens Musikstiftung with the SEEDS project in 2020, curated by Action_Improvvisa Ensemble and of the call FRINGE, opera 20.21 promoted by the Haydn Orchestra Foundation of Trento and Bolzano.

Among the collaborations and supporters:
Haydn Orchestra Foundation of Bolzano and Trento, Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Pergine Spettacolo Aperto, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish Institute of Rome, Consulate of the Republic of Poland, Autonomous Region of Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol, Caritro Foundation of Trento and Rovereto, Cassa Rurale Alta Valsugana , Municipality of Pergine Valsugana, Impact Hub Trento.